Title: Polyxena: A Story of Troy
Author: H. Allenger
Publisher: Author Reputation Press
ISBN: 978-1-95102-092-7
Pages: 385
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Tara Mcnabb

Hollywood Book Reviews

A young woman’s royal quest becomes an unexpected journey of self-discovery and forbidden love in author H. Allenger’s novel Polyxena: A Story of Troy.

The Greeks have just taken Troy, yet a savage war still rages on. Desperate and vulnerable to further invasions by the Greeks, King Priam decides to send his daughter, Princess Polyxena of Troy, to the land of the Amazon warriors to ask for help. But these are no ordinary warriors; they are the legendary women warriors of Amazonia, skilled and highly dangerous. Calling on all the courage she can muster, Polyxena embarks on the arduous journey to speak with the Amazonian Queen. But once there, the negotiations do not go as planned. Reluctant to send her warriors into a war started by men, the Queen sees no reason why she should sacrifice her beloved fighters. Polyxena will have to convince these formidable women to join forces with her kingdom if Troy is to survive.

A sweeping epic in the truest sense, Polyxena: A Story of Troy skillfully combines classical mythology with steamy romance and tragic warfare; and a bit surprisingly, a healthy dose of feminism. Besides boasting a courageous heroine, the other characters in the story, especially the female Amazons, are strikingly defiant in the face of male dominance and have no issues expressing their distaste for men in general. When discussing their shared hatred of the Greeks, the Amazonian Queen tells Polyxena that her kingdom has not had good relations with them because they are “…very patriarchal and look upon women who show any kind of strong will or independent spirit with utmost scorn.” These women are capable, brave, and intelligent, and it’s a pity that we don’t come across these traits more often in female characters in the genre of historical fiction.

The entire narrative is told from Polyxena’s point of view, which gives the reader a stronger sense of intimacy that would otherwise be lacking. Her joys and sorrows successfully take on a sense of urgency as we read, making it easy to feel invested in her character. Serious in tone, the descriptions of daily life in the classical world are both sumptuous and vivid, especially when it comes to the grand splendor of the Amazonian Palace. And because the pace moves along steadily there’s no time for dullness; every chapter efficiently builds on the next. What you’re left with is an entertaining and exotic read that pulls the heartstrings.

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