Title: Temple of Eternity
Author: R. Scott Boyer
Publisher: Main Street Reads Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-6629023-3-8
Pages: 279
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
One of the most elusive and most sought-after things in this world is youth. While the older generations seek ways of recapturing or holding onto their youth, the young are too oblivious of their own youth to fully appreciate it. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant.”
In author R. Scott Boyer’s Temple of Eternity, the sequel to the hit YA Fantasy book Bobby Esther and the Jade Academy, Bobby and his cousin Jinx are forced to take the fight to the malicious cult known as the Core. After the events of the first novel, the Core has taken control of the ruins of an ancient Mayan Temple are said to hold the Fountain of Youth. Not only must Bobby and Jinx discover the truth behind the myth of the temple, but must battle ruthless mercenaries, deadly monsters and nature itself while mastering their inherent abilities that they discovered in book one, all in an attempt to save their captured friends from the Jade Academy.
The author has really done an amazing job of building a strong narrative which is supported by equally powerful character development and a growing mythology that incorporates history and various cultures. The fantasy genre is felt in every page of this wonderful novel, and the author did a fantastic job of making sure that new readers were easily able to pick up on the plot points and character relationships of the first novel in this sequel.
This is the perfect read for anyone who enjoys the Young Adult genre, most specifically the fantasy sub-genre of YA. Those who love ancient cultures, mythology, history and covert cult and corporations will also fall in love with this growing series, as the action and intensity of the character’s arcs are thoroughly explored and engaged throughout this read.
This is an evenly paced, action-fueled Fantasy read that fans will not be able to get enough of. A strong protagonist, powerful settings and a wonderful and growing mythology make this a stand-out read to be sure. Author R. Scott Boyer’s Temple of Eternity is a must-read book that readers will absolutely love getting ensconced in, so be sure to grab your copy today.