Title: 2023: World War III
Author: Carl Berryman
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 9781649611628
Pages: 505
Genre: War Fiction / Dystopian Science-Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
There are a lot of fictional genres that do a great job of encapsulating the feelings, emotions and real-life events people often find themselves in over time. One such genre is the Dystopian genre, as it often serves as a reflection of the culture of the times and the fears we all have. As contemporary American author Lauren Oliver once said, “Dystopian novels help people process their fears about what the future might look like; further, they usually show that there is always hope, even in the bleakest future.”
In author Carl Berryman’s 2023: World War III, the author explores a dystopian future in which China initiates a plan to expand their reach and claim more lands as their own in an attempt to deal with overpopulation and other issues. As a result, they initiate actions in multiple nations around the world and explore how the current military readiness of the West is lacking enough strength, which shows this could become a reality. Exploring China’s political, economic and social mindset overall, the author makes a case for why the US in particular needs to become more involved militarily to be prepared for actions similar to what transpires in the novel.
This is an engaging book from the start. An in-depth study of the political and military mindset of another nation such as China is always intriguing, and made this a great start to a political thriller very similar to that of classic Tom Clancy novels. The author does a fantastic job of blending political intrigue, action, dystopian vibes and drama into one cohesive story. What really sets the story apart is that it isn’t just an abstract analysis of a possible future in our world, but has compelling character development which allows the reader to connect to the story overall, making the author’s vision much clearer, more credible and thought-provoking overall.
This is definitely a read for those who enjoy political thrillers, action and adventure, dystopian novels and drama. What really sets this story apart however is the appeal to a more conservative people, especially when it comes to foreign policy advocates in the conservative party. While I myself tend to lean left in political matters, this novel gives both sides of the political line a chance to each be entertained and educated, as those on the left are able to understand the fears and concerns of the right – while the right sees their fears played out and how they would and should respond in that possible future.
A truly engaging, detailed and lengthy read, author Carl Berryman’s 2023: World War III is a must-read dystopian novel. The expert blending of several genres, fantastic character development throughout the entirety of this book, and a fascinating study of political differences to foreign policy and the fears many on the right have, this is a dystopian thriller of storytelling you will not want to miss!