Title: 2023: World War III
Author: Carl Berryman
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649611628
Pages: 506
Genre: War Fiction / Dystopian Science Fiction
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

As our world’s current political climates and social orders continue to change and evolve, the need to see the signs of unrest and conflict that we are heading towards in the near future has never been more prevalent than it is now. From the conflict and horrific crimes occurring from Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine to the continued struggles in the Middle East, and the threats of Nuclear War from multiple fronts, the concept of a World War III has become more and more discussed in our global forum and online.

In author Carl Berryman’s 2023: World War III, the author explores the concept of such a global conflict through the expansion and invasion of the Peoples Republic of China on other nations worldwide. Taking an extended look at the nation’s political, social, and economic rationale, as well as its military preparedness and their strategy for just such an occasion in our world’s history. The book also looks into the lack of preparation that Western nations have to the possibility of such an occurrence, and how China’s actions in this possible future could impact their neighboring nations as well as the world as a whole.

The author brought an incredibly detailed and thoroughly researched account of historical and political events happening both in the past and present to showcase a future which could stem out of our actions today. This dystopian read showcases how a powerful nation such as China could throw the world into a conflict which the world hasn’t seen since Germany invaded Poland. The structured and detailed way the author portrays China’s political and military operations to keep other nations that have the power to challenge it divided was both realistic and terrifying to behold, something that brings the narrative into the dystopian genre quite perfectly. The story is definitely the heart of this book, as the cast of characters and global settings play a supporting role to the grand conflict the author has brought to life through vivid imagery and its haunting atmosphere.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy political and war-related thrillers, especially those that take a more dystopian approach to the subject and include more futuristic settings and events into account. The book also does speak more to the libertarian and conservative minded readers out there, delving into less politically-correct language and tone than more liberal readers would probably not appreciate.

Captivating, heart-pounding, and thought-provoking, author Carl Berryman’s 2023: World War III is a must-read dystopian war fiction thriller that readers won’t want to put down. This lengthy read brought the same energy that an Epic would bring to readers, capturing the powerful atmosphere a global conflict of this nature would exude. The twists and turns in the narrative and the chilling nature of the actions taken by China as a nation will have readers feeling on the edge, and will keep them invested in the narrative until the book’s final pages.

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