Title: 2025: A Story of Survival
Author: Carl Berryman
Publisher: Authors Tranquillity Press
ISBN: 978-1970081664
Pages: 449
Genre: Dystopian Fiction
Reviewed by: Michaela Gordoni

Hollywood Book Reviews


2025: A Story of Survival is a glimpse into what would happen should there be a global nuclear war. Ethan Bradley, a Marine General Officer, sees what is coming and is quick to start preserving the lives of his wife Gypsy, their two teenage sons, Sam and Josh, and himself. As the citizens of the world succumb to the mercy of the major world powers: the U.S., China, and Russia, pure catastrophe ensues. An electromagnetic pulse attack is launched from the International Space Station and everything with an engine or electricity is destroyed. Supplies get cut off, people begin to starve and loot, even turning to cannibalism. Women are not safe; rape is taking place left and right. Only the prepared have a chance at survival. Everyone across the U.S. is dying. Will Ethan and his family be among the surviving 5%?

Author Carl Berryman has included interesting bits of history and facts relating to survival in his storytelling. He displays thorough knowledge on the topic of preparedness. In an instance of need, you can make soap from ashes and use animal brains to tan skins. He makes sure that his main characters have dogs, a garden, food stockpiles, chainsaws, faraday cages, weapons, and the skills to use them.

There are some thrilling elements that leave the reader eagerly questioning what will happen next. The characters themselves do not show much personality, but given the situations they are faced with, this may be understandable. The book switches from explaining Ethan’s side of the story to his family’s, to the Russians’, etc. And the way the dialogue is formatted throughout the book is quite unusual. Almost all of the characters are quite long-winded, as there are frequently multiple paragraphs of dialogue without any breaks. Sometimes a character talks for an entire page without stopping. The author has not included any transitions in his writing to indicate when there is a change of time, place, or perspective. This has a very confusing effect on the reader at times.

2025: A Story of Survival is an interesting work of dystopian fiction with some really fascinating elements. It shows what could happen to the U.S. as a result of conflict in the worst-case scenario. Yet, it will certainly pique the interest of many potential readers.

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