Title: The Armageddon Virus
Author: Robert Gallant
Publisher: Robert Gallant Books
ISBN: 978-0578208114
Pages: 322
Genre: Fiction/Action-Adventure
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Review
James Lovelock once said, “An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it.” In author Robert Gallant’s novel The Armageddon Virus, the world of virology brings this quote into a whole new light, exploring the field of deadly viruses and the weaponization of such viruses in the world. In the third novel in this action series written by author Robert Gallant, focusing on Chesney, a beautiful scientist who must go undercover to learn more about a deadly virus sale after Weld, leader of a fringe black ops group for the government, assigns her to tackle this case head on.
The author does a wonderful job of bringing the intensity, suspense and action to this incredible novel. Each chapter will keep readers on the edge of their seat, eager to see where the story goes next. The book is definitely for anyone who has read the previous two books, enjoys a good action/thriller novel, or is fascinated by the world of virology and its use as a weapon in the criminal world. The author did a fantastic job of creating characters you either loved or hated, or loved to hate, while keeping the action and story moving at an even pace. As a fan of action thrillers myself, the story kept me interested throughout the whole book and never let me go, keeping me interested and hopeful for a fourth book in the series. The story was well written and entertained me throughout the entirety of it all.
Overall I loved this novel. The story never once took me out of the theme or genre, and kept me invested in the characters throughout each and every chapter. The mystery of who is trying to sell this deadly virus and who Chesney can trust was fascinating to see unfold, and any fan of action/adventure stories will fall in love with this amazing piece of fiction. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy of The Armageddon Virus by Robert Gallant today!