Title: The Spirit of Redd Mountain
Author: Larry Auerbach
Publisher: Book Vine Press
ISBN: 978-1949574425
Pages: 416
Genre: Horror/Occult
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Review
Helen Hayes once said, “Legends die hard. They survive as truth rarely does.” In author Larry Auerbach’s novel The Spirit of Redd Mountain, a thirty-year-old tragedy gives birth to two powerful legends, and stirs up a race to destiny for the man responsible for the legend’s creation.
Author Larry Auerbach brings a story of greed, pride and destiny to life as a man named Warner Barney returns to the mountain where thirty years earlier, he caused a devastating accident. In the years since, the legend of a rare elk and a mysterious skier have haunted the area, and he’s returned to claim the legendary elk as his prize. What he fails to realize is that destiny has brought him to the mountain, hoping to resolve some unfinished business, whether he wants to or not.
The author did a marvelous job of creating a unique and exciting cast of characters that really drove home the plot. The author used the horror/supernatural element of the story in a subtle and mysterious way, focusing instead on the cast of characters and their drive in the book. From Adam and his goal to get an award worthy photograph, to Oliver and his desire to see everyone safe on the mountain, the cast of characters will captivate the reader. Yet it’s the destructive, self-absorbed Warner Barney who brings the story to new heights, bringing the tale he began over thirty years ago full circle.
This is the perfect story for anyone who enjoys a good ghost tale, the outdoors or is interested in the exploration of hunters’ mindsets vs the non-hunters of the world. As an animal rights, non-hunter kind of person myself, it was interesting to see behind the eyes of hunters and the various ways people looked at nature in general. This story was filled with great legend and mythology building, character development and an interweaving plot that brought all of the characters to life.
Overall this was a great story everyone should read. The vast number of characters throughout this story was amazing to see playout in the overall story. If you like classic ghost tales and stories involving nature and respecting the outdoors, then The Spirit of Redd Mountain is the book for you.