Title: The Medical Conspiracy Behind My Wife’s Demise
Author: Pradeep K. Berry
Publisher: Notion Press
ISBN: 978-1647607975
Pages: 332
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

Grief is one of the most powerful things in the universe. As Henry David Thoreau once said, “Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it?”

In author Pradeep K. Berry’s The Medical Conspiracy Behind My Wife’s Demise, the author channels his grief over the loss of his wife. After his wife Connie passes suddenly from an unforeseeable medical illness, the author explores the life they shared and the love they have for one another throughout their lives and into the next in order to cope with his grief. The author takes readers through their life together, from moving to America and meeting her, to introducing her into his family and building a life together. He also investigates the suspicious circumstances around her passing, which came all too suddenly.

This book is an emotional, heartfelt and engaging read. The author brings a true sense of loss and grief to his writing, and showcases how grief is powerful due to the love and depth of connection shared between the grieved and the person in grief. The writing is strong and conveys a sense of the author’s struggling emotions during his loss. Getting both sides of the story, readers are able to see the emotional relationship formed between the author and his late wife, and the more practical side that dives deeply into the malpractice and manipulation of a group of medical professionals which led to a death that could possibly have been prevented.

This is a read for anyone who connects with emotionally driven memoirs, who have felt the injustice of medical malpractice and need to identify with others who feel the same way, and those who enjoy true love stories that showcase the dedication between two people to the love they share. Readers will be moved by the various points the author shares of his relationship with his late wife, both good and bad. The interesting thing is when the author showcases how various aspects of their lives tied their romance together even more tightly; including religion and a shared love of travel.

A powerful and evenly-paced read, this is a tragic yet must-read book. The author captures the raw emotion of loss eloquently and gives readers a chance to see what love shared and grown together over the course of decades looks like, and how it changes the people involved forever. Truly one of a kind, author Pradeep K. Berry’s The Medical Conspiracy Behind My Wife’s Demise is a well written read that everyone should read for themselves.

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