Title: The Land of The Butterflies: Tales of Prophecy Vol. 1: A Prelude to Prophecy
Author: S. L. Bergen
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 1643613391
Pages: 722
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

Hollywood Book Reviews

S. L. Bergen gets the reader involved in the story through her narration. The author uses uncomplicated sentence structures and friendly words that are easily comprehensible even by young readers. Following the story becomes a fun experience as the author’s words help create a mental picture of the story. Her style of description is one of the best features in the book. When S. L. Bergen talks about a crisp morning, you feel the morning she is describing. If she talks about a particular character, you love her more because she has such a precise way of describing people, objects, and events that you wish she would describe everything on earth.

I like how the story starts. The reader is introduced to forty-six-year-old York. The relatively young man was a cultural judge and seemed to enjoy his life. The author’s portrayal of York made me love him more. If not how he dressed, it was how he approached people. He was a calm soul whose story made me appreciate the book. As a cultural judge in Land of the Butterflies, York Sebastian is assigned with different obligations. York’s people believe that they are tasked with the duty to carry out God’s order in the whole world. This is critical to them. The people in the book are portrayed as uptight and sometimes old-fashioned serious folks. They follow their beliefs with all gravity and do not entertain anything that seems to be distracting. Their enthusiasm to do things that seem impossible is admirable.

Just from Planet Torac, York comes home to meet more responsibilities. York Sebastian’s character shows that leadership is not for everyone. It is a calling and requires resilience, sense, endurance, and calmness among other things. One of the major questions York has to answer is whether the earth’s civilization should be terminated. The presentation of this question not only makes the reader intrigued but also makes the author’s narration more engaging. Is York up to the task? Can he handle the pressure? The urge to read on increases at this point as one wants to understand if and how the character will give the answer and solution.

The Land of The Butterflies has numerous lessons for the reader. How is one prepared for tribulations? Can you speak up if overwhelmed by a problem or will you take care of things as needed? S. L. Bergen is an engaging writer whose words remain with the reader even after completing the book. Her book teaches the reader how to embrace change and live with others. The characters are conscientiously developed and the plot easy to follow. I appreciate the conversations in the book as they make the reading seem more real. The arrangement of the book could not be more perfect. The paragraphs are of the ideal length and the wording excellent. S. L. Bergen’s diction is nothing short of amazing. I recommend The Land of The Butterflies to all with an open and curious mind.

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