Title: Goin’ Home
Author: Phyllis Staton Campbell
Publisher: Goldtouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 1952155347
Pages: 190
Genre: Small Town Fiction
Reviewed by: Jennifer Weiss
Hollywood Book Reviews
After being blinded in Iraq, Pastor Jim Miller and his wife Amy decide to settle down in a small town. After 50 years in prison a mass murder returns to the town, his home, to die and inevitably throws to town into turmoil. The town is split in the middle, the new church confuses names and humorously send the hearse to pick up a dog rather than the deceased human. A musician appears in the town and Jim begins to learn about a secret from the past.
In this sequel to Where Sheep May Safely Graze, author Phyllis Staton Campbell creates a story riddled with raw human emotion and redemption which teaches her readers various lessons on life. The hint of a murder mystery adds an element of intrigue to the story that makes the reader want to know what will happen next. While reading this novel, one gets a picture of a quaint small town, and can remind many readers of their own small churches. It is easy to feel as if she has written about your own small town which makes it feel a little more personal than some other novels that don’t have that same feel to it.
Readers will be sure to lose some sleep with this book because you will not want to put it down for any reason. Campbell has a beautiful lyrical way of writing her story that it brings the emotions to life. The dialogue, character interaction and descriptions are all believable, credible and relatable. Readers will not want the book to end, and will leave craving more from this remarkable author. There are some books that leave you wanting, questioning more things than having answers. Instead, Goin’ Home is one of those books when readers finish this book, they will finish it with satisfactory sigh.
Within the novel readers will find not only a story about a small town, but a story filled with forgiveness, redemption, devotion and above all family. Goin’ Home is a feel good novel that anyone would enjoy reading. It is a book that hits you in the heart and grabs hold. It isn’t every day you find a book that reminds you what it really means to forgive.
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