Title: Love In The Darkness
Author: Rian McMurtry
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796041811
Pages: 306
Genre: Fiction – Young Adult / Paranormal
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
Some of the most tried and true stories in the young adult realm involve strong supernatural characters and romantic storylines. These are the topics author Rian McMurtry tackles once again in the third book in a series involving protagonist Angela Fujiwara titled Love In The Darkness.
This time around, Angela is beginning her junior year and she has a lot to navigate. From keeping secrets from her boyfriend about other wizards in their midst, handling a new apprentice of her own and a falling out with her own tutor, Angela finds herself pulled in new directions. With a feeling like her life is in upheaval, our heroine finds herself more challenged than ever before.
Author Rian McMurtry in this book series has always been adept at not only bringing elements of the supernatural, fantasy and science fiction to life, but he continues to expand on these themes very well from book to book. There are also a number of characters to follow along with, and he continues to develop his characters without making any of them seem too secondary to the story. He paints a world rich in imagery with characters that show strength in the face of adversity.
Love In The Darkness is a great read which will resonate with both young adults and lovers of supernatural/paranormal fiction of any age. It is always exciting when a book series continues to grow and get more exciting as it goes on. I highly recommend adding this book and this series to your collection.