Title: Mental Telepathy:  Affair Diary or Tides of Fate
Author: David C. Fitch
Publisher:  Goldtouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 195215507X
Pages: 264
Genre: Occult & Paranormal
Reviewed by: Nicole M. Olson

Hollywood Book Reviews

David C. Fitch’s romantic thriller follows the troubles and heartache of divorcee Mark Ingersol.  While divorced from his wife, Mark lives a life drowned in alcohol in the heart of New York City.  He lives alone, while his son his cared for by his wife’s mother.  When he meets Lauren Morgan, he falls in love with her immediately.  Soon they discover they can speak to each other telepathically – this shows just how strong their love for one another is.  Mark never experienced a love present in his relationship with Lauren. One day things seem to spiral out of control. He loses his job due to his problem with alcohol and while everything seemed to be going well with Lauren – everything falls apart. Mark now has no place to live and even spends time in prison. Though Lauren betrayed him he continues to love her greatly and is even able to continue speaking with her telepathically.

Fitch’s writing style and story-telling ability make this book an addictive and fast read. With every chapter, Mark’s story becomes increasingly morose and his love exceedingly great for Lauren. Beyond Mark and Lauren, Fitch cast a motley crew of characters. They each play a role in Mark’s life and Fitch takes time and care to describe their stories as well. My favorite character is Beth, an older woman who takes Mark (and just about anyone else who wanders her way) under her wing. She cares for him when nobody else does and tells him her past experiences. Fitch tells the story via Mark’s diary entries as well as through a narrator. This approach to telling Mark and Lauren’s stories allows the reader to feel greater sympathy towards Mark, since his very thoughts and feelings are the most exposed.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys supernatural romance novels and stories. Reading this book brought me back to my high school years of enjoying Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. It is refreshing to see the male character depicted as hopelessly in love – so many romance novels surround the woman’s feelings. While Mark’s story is quite morose, this book is an easy and light-hearted read that can be enjoyed at home or while travelling.

Mental Telepathy Affair is a thrilling romantic adventure in the underbelly of New York City. While Mark struggles to turn his life around and rebuild his relationship with Lauren, the love of his life, the city continues to move around them.  This tale delves into the tricky and sticky situations so commonly found in life and love.  Supporting characters add delight, Mark’s diary brings great drama and emotions, and the supernatural element keeps the reader interested throughout the length of the book.

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