Title: The Future of Buildings, Transportation and Power
Author: Roger Duncan and Michael E. Webber
Publisher: Roger Duncan Consulting
ISBN: 978-1734429008
Pages: 290
Genre: Energy Production & Extraction/Transportation/Engineering
Reviewed by:  Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the more critical professions to any society in our modern world is engineering. The need for engineering is more important than ever before as technology advances and we begin to weigh the balance of making our planet more green and environmentally friendly versus keeping a healthy economy and growing our technology as a whole. As James Dyson once said, “Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It’s coming up with ideas, testing principles and perfecting the engineering, as well as final assembly.”

In authors Roger Duncan and Michael E. Webber’s The Future of Buildings, Transportation and Power, the authors heavily investigate the future of our society and how energy will play into these three major sectors. Through intense research and years of experience in the world of engineering, the authors showcase the technological trends that will shape these sectors in the future, the kind of clean energy properties we can utilize as we head into the future, and some of the futuristic advances we can expect to see as a society.

The amount of data and information the authors impart on the reader is fascinating to see unfold. As they state themselves, everyone at one point or another has thought of what the future of our society will look like, such as the idea of flying cars and robots being a part of our daily lives. As the authors point out, several concepts introduced in this book will incorporate some of these ideas into sustainable, energy efficient and complex systems that give us essentially the ability to be transported and work inside of sophisticated robotic systems, including a major transportation system for the public. The authors and the attention to detail they have shines through in this book, as readers get to see things such as the different types of energy which exist now and will exist in the future, as well as what types of energy used in various aspects of daily life, from transportation to moving cargo from one place to another – and more.

This is the perfect read for non-fiction readers, especially those with an interest in science, engineering, and the way we as a society may evolve and grow technologically as we advance into the future. As someone who has always been interested in technology, I found this read to be fascinating, especially the chapter known as “Our Crystal Ball,” where readers get an overview of the book’s information and get glimpses into how this information may be put into practice in the future, such as the vital importance of nanotechnology as the need for material decreases as the material’s strength and structure get stronger.

Informative, evenly-paced and intellectually driven, authors Rodger Duncan and Michael E. Webber’s The Future of Buildings, Transportation and Power is a must-read for anyone with a curiosity or interest in engineering and the future of our society as a whole. The uses of these energy-changing sectors will have on us in the future is engaging and interesting to say the least, and readers won’t be able to put this book down – as it educates us on what society can expect as time goes on and technology truly advances.

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