Title: A Light in the Darkness
Author: Rian McMurtry
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 1796041793
Pages: 254
Genre: Paranormal Urban Fantasy
Reviewed by: Jennifer Weiss
Hollywood Book Review
Angela Fujiwara is your typical sophomore in high school. Everything changes when she asks Seth, a necromancer to share his knowledge with her. This is a major secret she has been keeping from her family, yet a few of her friends know. Angela does whatever it takes to have the world in the palm of her hands, but it isn’t as easy as she thinks. As Angela continues her to practice magic and develop more strength in her powers, she has to navigate through the complexities of teenage life that includes football, romantic interests, and a final exam. One where there is no middle ground, it is simply pass or fail. But she also must make a decision; when she will tell her parents about her gifts because she knows she cannot keep this secret from them forever.
A Light in the Darkness is a novel that combines elements from science fiction, folklore, as well as mythology to provide readers with an exquisite magical world. Young readers get a book that examines the deep meaning behind making choices and considering all the consequences associated with making such decisions. The characters are faced with many opportunities to learn from their mistakes and grow in their magic and mature into stronger people. While the novel is light hearted and easy to follow, there are some deep and complex themes that reaches out to young readers.
Readers follow Angela and her friends as they traverse a tricky, magical road. They practice their magic together, help each other, and learn about the magic within themselves and learn to use it to become a better person. There are a lot of characters that sometimes it can get hard to keep track of who is who, and there were a few moments when the sentences got confusing. But overall, the story is entertaining and full of action and adventure. It pulls you in from the beginning and keeps you interested until the very end.
A Light in the Darkness by Rian McMurtry is a novel that appeals to readers young and old alike. While the book may be geared towards young adult readers, adult readers will get something out of reading this book, and others by Rian McMurtry. If you are a reader that enjoys young adult novels, then definitely add A Light in the Darkness to your collection.