Title: I Know Why Young Men Rage
Author: Thomas Johnson
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1952155734
Pages: 144
Genre: Parenting & Relationships
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

For many in this world, the most important thing a person can have in their lives is family. Whether it is the family you are born into or the one you make for yourself throughout your life, family brings about the sense of belonging and togetherness we are all searching for. As the French author Andre Maurois once said, “Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.”

In author Thomas Johnson’s I Know Why Young Men Rage, the author explores how people in general have been searching for love in one way or another for most of their lives, when in reality love was always right there beside them. Examining how a close relationship with God and a person’s religion can help find love and mend the important relationships in a person’s life, perhaps young men can learn to set aside the anger within them to find more balance and create healthy relationships.

The author speaks eloquently throughout this book, expertly crafting his experiences and viewpoints on religion and its importance within the context of relationships and family. While a fairly quick read, the author imparts a great deal of knowledge regarding religious ideals and how they can be incorporated into everyday life. This allows readers to quickly absorb this information and find ways to mend the relationship between young men and their families, especially if any sort of rift has come into their lives.

This is the perfect read for those readers who are religious, are parents, and are seeking ways of incorporating more Christian ideals into the way you parent and how you approach relationships overall. While I myself am not religious, the concept of trying to examine the causes of why so much anger and rage exists in our children, especially young men over the years, is a concept I think a lot of people can get behind, and is worth taking into consideration when trying to expand on a person’s parenting skills overall.

A thorough, quick and passionately written book, author Thomas Johnson’s I Know Why Young Men Rage is the perfect read for religious readers, and those wishing to learn about this theme everywhere. Capturing the ideals and standards of the faith, the author expertly showcases how a person’s faith can impact relationships between fathers and sons, mothers and sons, husbands and wives, and so much more.

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