Title: My Journey to America: The Life and Triumph of Buu-Van A.J. Rasih
Author: Buu-Van A.J. Rasih
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796028751
Genre: Autobiography
Pages: 76
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares
Hollywood Book Reviews
My Journey to America is a quick and interesting read for anyone who has a vested interest in immigration stories. Imagine leaving the country that you were born in to start a new life. Buu-Van did, and in his incredibly interesting life, he has worn many hats on top of being an American immigrant from Laos.
This short biography covers the incredibly exciting life of Buu-Van A.J. Rasih and his journey to America. It includes brief snippets of his personal and professional accomplishments and paints the author as a loving family man. What this story lacks in words it makes up for in an abundance of pictures which are view-worthy. Like the words in this book, the pictures help paint a picture of a caring and compassionate man who has done a lot in his time on Earth. They show a lifetime of memories that span nations and generations. A picture is worth a thousand words, and the images create thousands of words in this book.
When English is your fifth language, you would think that you would need to give Buu-Van a pass on his grammar, but that is not the case. This book’s written elements are as clear as if a native English speaker wrote them. Much of the book is written in bullet form, which may turn some people off, but it is made for bite-sized information that was easy to absorb.
If there was criticism for this book, it is that the author did not share any of his poetry in the pages. It would have been delightful to read some of his work as he surely has a unique worldly perspective. My American Journey is not a conventional book, but it is a fun story and a quick read for those who are genuinely interested in humanities.