Title: The Chronicles of the Ancient Wizard of Avalon
Author: Sir Uriel Enoch Sinclair
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 1644621541
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 36
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel
Hollywood Book Reviews
Author Sir Uriel Enoch Sinclair weaves a charming tale that blends mythology and belief with reality and superstition by bringing to life a prophecy that foretells of a boy that would bring the end of bloodshed and war by bringing about peace. On the seventh day, of the seventh month, came the birth of the seventh son of King William III and his wife who would grow up to be that very boy. Through the arrival of young Bill starts toward the path of peace and toward a time when life will be fair. As this story unfolds, King William III faces a crossroads following England’s win against France when France declares their desire to form a truce. The king is faced with a decision to make. One that will make way for Bill’s own choices when he steps foot onto the throne of his father’s.
Bill is the chosen one whose life is destined for greatness from the moment he was born which is reminiscent of the tone and style of Arthurian legend with Bill as the destined king of the wizards of Avalon. The story revolves around the prophecy that states his destiny was to not only bring peace but about life becoming truly fair. Sinclair weaves a complex theme about fairness and trust through a story rooted in a coming of age journey. The setting of the past is important to the story as it shows the role of leaders in bringing nations together and through the time period, comments on education, power, and peace. Bill’s youth was a time when education was only for the rich and the power of knowledge which is shown through how the future king was kept at home at home to learn while his brothers received exceptional educations at the best schools while his education was grounded and lent toward the magical as he studied under druids. The druids and this magical sense gave way to his true power which is rooted in belief and the power of God.
The story is of Bill’s journey to greatness, but events begin with the actions of his father King William whose choices set the stage for Bill’s own actions. His father wins the war between England and France but the fight is far from over when France announces that they wish for a truce which puts the king into the position of choosing how to proceed. Sinclair digs into the depths of trust and the trust it takes to give a chance to peace. By including the voice of the king, Sinclair touches upon an important theme about learning from the mistakes of the past and takes a tentative stand with the delicacy of trust and how this sets up for Bill to understand what it takes to bring peace. Magic and belief are both woven into the Ancient Order which is an order of druids that teach Bill the value of knowledge by invoking the Holy Spirit of the God of Israel, the powers of the holy angels, and the Magical Elements. The Ancient Order is rooted in religious faith and belief along with the concept of belief and magic.
Sinclair’s message throughout Bill’s journey is how one man’s magic is another man’s religion which is seen through the characters that Bill encounters and how magic and belief are equally blended into his education. The story is short and quick though Sinclair packs a lifetime of a future king into a story that weaves from the rule of King William III to the rise of greatness within his son’s journey. Sinclair has an exceptional voice for short fiction that blends the perspective of belief and magic, fairness and peace, leadership and trust in Bill’s journey that comes to life in The Chronicles of the Ancient Wizard of Avalon.