Title: Tears of an Angel
Author: K.D. Brogdon
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647535778
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Pages: 186
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

Historical fiction has become a huge genre that many authors have taken a stab at over the years. Plenty of authors have been successful, too, and yet most of these novels are dedicated to a certain theme of pure romance with history sprinkled in throughout its story. But in author K.D. Brogdon’s Tears of an Angel, not only does it have a strong focus on the history, action, and adventure that are taking place during this time, but it covers a historical period and event that has seldom been covered before. I am referring to the events that took place surrounding The Rough Riders — also known as The 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry.

Before the Spanish-American war, 30 years prior, was the American Civil War. But many different groups were struggling since that war, from the Americans to Mexicans to Native Americans who were known as Indians at this time. So, it is no wonder the Rough Riders had a struggle ahead of them when the Spanish-American war came around with them being severely understaffed. They were also the only regiment to see combat during the Spanish-American war in 1898. This is where the second part of the book’s focus is with our hero Kenneth Douglas at the forefront of it all. He is a man with a difficult past who is now a Texas Ranger serving as a Rough Rider for Teddy Roosevelt in Cuba.

At first, we learn a lot about his beginnings including the tragedy that ultimately made him the shattered man we know now. He and his partner Stalking Wolf end up on a new journey as part of The Rough Riders and while there, he finds himself in the midst of a dangerous mission which eventually leads to him also fighting for the “heart of a Panamanian Princess.” This story has a bit of everything which lends itself to being more than appealing for many different kinds of readers. There’s the western aspect along with the historical fiction part of this tale. Then there’s romance along with suspense, action, and adventure. In other words, there truly is something for everybody in this wonderfully written and perfectly paced story about the hero that is Texas Ranger Kenneth Douglas.

Author K.D. Brogdon is a fantastic storyteller that paints a vivid picture for his audience with incredible details pouring off each and every page about the setting, characters, and the story itself. This story will evoke a wide array of emotions in its readers and have you very invested in Kenneth’s story and how it all will come to a head by the climax of it all.

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