Title: Hoo Lee Jing (Fox Fairy)
Author: Margaret Zee
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647535919
Pages: 406
Genre: Historical Fiction / Fantasy
Reviewed by: Aly Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
It isn’t often you read a story which is both a historical fiction novel and has fantasy elements so expertly done you are enthralled throughout your entire time reading it. But this book titled Hoo Lee Jing (Fox Fairy) by author Margaret Zee does that and so much more. It is a wonderful novel detailing the life of Mrs. Eve Freeman and the journey she subsequently went on right after returning to Old Peking after World War II.
Her goal upon her return, after the war, is to renew faith in herself while being open to the possibility of finding love. She also has a deep affection for the town she resides in — Old Peking — that is, unfortunately, going to be doomed she soon realizes. While she is learning much about former and new loves in her life over the next two years, she also has a supernatural presence which is soon going to enter her life.
She is still dealing with the fact that the communist army in China is soon going to descend on her beloved town while also coping with all types of people in her life, both friend and foe. But regardless of the many things she has going on personally, she decides to rent a section of an ancient palace and turn it into a boarding house. It becomes very profitable but there is one problem — something known as a “Hulijing” is haunting the premises. This creature is known to be a dangerous shape-shifting creature which appears as an alluring and desirable woman who is also “cunning and wily as a fox.” The author uses this creature to represent different aspects of this novel such as the “love, longing, and deception,” featured throughout this tale of Mrs. Eve Freeman’s life.
Aside from the compelling storytelling in which this author is undeniably successful at, I truly enjoyed how historically accurate this novel is regarding many of the events of post-World War II in China. It is evident she is incredibly knowledgeable about the subject while still being able to blend the supernatural elements of the story seamlessly. The Chinese culture is fascinating, along with the incredible characters’ storylines and backstories, both major and minor in this story. I believe this is the perfect book to sit back with and fully immerse yourself in the intricacies of the story before you. As an avid reader myself, I cannot recommend it enough!