Title: The Last Shinobi
Author: Joseph P. White
Publisher: PageTurner, Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649083883
Pages: 144
Genre: Action & Adventure
Reviewed by: Aly Avina 



Hollywood Book Reviews

The battle between good and evil is a tale as old as time. It a theme used constantly in religious texts as well as a theme that is featured prominently in some of the greatest stories ever told. This is why it is so refreshing to have a new and original take on this theme in an action-packed story, The Last Shinobi, by author Joseph P. White. In this novel, we meet Joseph in the present day, who is a highly-skilled young man in the art of ninja and samurai sword fighting techniques. He soon learns from his master that he is destined for so much more than just that, and the events which follow will change the course of his life forever.

In the past, during ancient times, we learned of a battle between the Black Shinobi Clan and the White Shinobi Clan. When it seemed all was lost and the Black Shinobi had defeated the White Shinobi once and for all, the last remaining member of the White Shinobi Clan told of a prophecy that far into the future, when evil was taking over the world, the last of the White Shinobi would come forth and bring the “light and wrath of the White Shinobi Clan with him.” This is where our hero, Joseph, comes in. With the help of his master, Kenneth, and Kenneth’s friend Crystal, they teach him the ways of the White Shinobi Clan as well as their tumultuous history with the Black Shinobi Clan. Eventually, they lead him to their temple where his eyes begin to open to this fantastical world he now finds himself in.

His story takes him on a journey he couldn’t have predicted, but once set forth on this path, there is no denying he is the one they had spoken of all those years ago. Unfortunately, he also learns that it is the Black Shinobi’s duty to end the life of the last White Shinobi, which means Joseph’s life now hangs in the balance. The author of this book is a skilled writer whose attention-to-detail really helps his audience immerse themselves in this world and takes us on an adventure we couldn’t be happier to be on.

For anyone who loves to leave the real world for a bit to read an enthralling action & adventure tale full of monsters, mayhem, sword fighting galore, and even powers not known to this world, then this book is for you. Pick up your copy of “The Last Shinobi” by Joseph P. White today!

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