Title:  Little Bella and the Bullies
Author:  T. Steele Petry
Publisher:  PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN:  978-1-64908-840-6
Genre:  Children’s Books
Pages:  40
Reviewed by:  Suzanne Gattis

Hollywood Book Reviews

Author and illustrator T. Steele Petry’s book Little Bella and the Bullies is a cute book that takes a look at a problem that many youngsters have to deal with today, bullies.  It shows how much bullying can hurt and teaches a unique lesson that everyone has something to bring to the table.

Ever since Antonio brought home Bella the puppy, the other dogs, who were of a different breed, bullied poor Bella to tears.  From her size to her pedigree, Bella just did not fit in because she did things differently.  Then one day Bella was able to show one of her talents while digging; she ran across a white truffle.  Through this, she was able to save Antonio from poverty and finally was accepted by the other dogs.

This storyline is one of acceptance and finding that, though we are not the same, we each have unique ways in which we can contribute.  In a world filled with bullying for being different than others, I think this is an important lesson for all kids to learn. As the book says, “But all of us are special in our own particular way.” What better way to expose this to children than a book about puppies!

In addition to teaching a very valuable lesson, Little Bella and the Bullies is a story that is easy for young children to read.  I liked the rhyme scheme of the story, and the use of pictures in the book gives young readers a chance to pause, as well as creates imagery for the story as young readers practice with seeing the story in their heads.

Overall, Little Bella and the Bullies is a fun read that teaches a very important lesson to kids.  It recognizes that bullying does exist, unfortunately, but also shows how to overcome that by looking at the traits that everyone has.

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