Title: East-West Sword & Word
Author: Anwar A. Abdullah
Publisher: URLink Print & Media
ISBN: 978-1643677101
Pages: 500
Genre: History/World
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

In our modern age of technology and science, one often forgets the very important role that nature itself has to play in our understanding of the Universe. Natural science is itself a scientific wonder, as so much of what we are seeing and accomplishing with technology has always existed within nature without the aid of machines and man. As German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg once said, “Natural science, does not simply describe and explain nature; it is part of the interplay between nature and ourselves.”

In author Anwar A. Abdullah’s East-West Sword & Word, the author delves into the rise of modernism and its role in the destruction of the heart of humanity. Exploring Religionism and Mammonism, the author reflects on the balance of both religion and science, and how the rise of technology and material wealth has started to erode our natural world and our relationships with one another as well, and how the only true path forward is to build our strength utilizing a Unity of Knowledge, which should be directed toward nature and the world at large.

This is an excellent blend of history, science, philosophy and religious-based studies. The author delves into everything from the Koran to the impact of hard science and modernism versus natural science overall. The book is lengthy and detail-oriented, and provides the reader with a slew of facts and references for which the reader can research and study themselves, providing a well-thought and engaging read. The book does an excellent job of balancing the various genres out, with the author taking deep intellectual dives into the sciences while carving out plenty of room for religious and philosophical discussions that the reader can take with them after reading this book.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy history, science, philosophy and religious based books, and non-fiction reads overall. As a fan of history and science, it was fascinating to get a more naturalist and philosophical perspective on the growing rise of technology and Modernism, which has quickly become integral to everyday life for many people around the world. It is written in a way which challenges the readers’ perceptions and forces them to look at how technology has begun to impact their lives morally and socially.

A well balanced, engaging and lengthy read, author Anwar A. Abdullah’s East-West Sword & Word is a must-read non-fiction book. The author articulates this deep and engaging discussion on Modernism, Religionism and Mammonism in the perfect way, engaging with the reader on a deeper level and crafting a thought-provoking theme that will keep readers coming back time and time again.

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