Title: Whispering Spirits
Author: Reverend Carl Yount
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647535544
Pages: 90
Genre: Epic Poetry/Spiritual Self-Help
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina



Hollywood Book Reviews


When looking ahead to what life has in store for us all, humanity as a whole often stops to ask themselves what their existence truly means. What will our lives turn out to be? Will we be able to control our destiny or be ruled by fate? As Paul Auster once said, “The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we’re not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.”

In author Reverend Carl Yount’s Whispering Spirits, the author tackles his very existence as he pours his work both with patients and their families in a dementia ward with his work through an All-Faith ministry into his writing. Utilizing poetry, the author examines some of the toughest inner battles we all will face at one point or another, from the heartbreaking struggle dementia patients have to deal with as their illness takes hold, to the tragic knowledge that someone you’ve loved may never fully come back, and so much more.

The author does a fantastic job of exploring some truly emotional topics through epic poetry that touches upon the soul. The emotions and vivid imagery the author uses throughout his poetry really captures the imagination and perfectly brings to life the struggle of so many people he has had to come across in his work. The words written by the author speak of a sophisticated yet relatable experience many people can identify with, while exploring these journeys with an inner struggle sometimes goes unnoticed by everyone other than ourselves.

This book is the perfect read for those who enjoy poetry, especially epic poetry, and who combine this style of writing with spiritual based advice and self-help genre storytelling. As a fan of poetry, I found myself drawn to the naturally emotional paths each poem took, while appreciating the delicate balance of light and dark storytelling that is reflective of the human experience overall.

A masterful, beautifully-written and quick yet eloquent read, author and Reverend Carl Yount’s Whispering Spirits is a must-read book of poetry. The book is expertly crafted and does an amazing job of delving into both the writer’s and reader’s souls. The complex themes explored throughout this poetry are done in a reflective and emotional way, touching upon experiences many have to endure and often with a feeling of isolation and loneliness, and yet somehow shows just how shared an experience these paths can be.

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