Title: The Professor with Many Faces
Author: George S. Haines
Publisher: Pageturner Press and Media
ISBN: 1649087624
Pages: 366
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
The Professor with Many Faces is set in the year 1944 when the United States of America had joined the Allies in the Second World War against the Axis powers. Some of the German high-ranking officers who had managed to sneak secretly into America, together with German escaped prisoners, of war plan to sabotage America’s war efforts in the war by bombings and faulting war ordnances. This is under the instructions of the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.
The plot revolves around two friends, Sam and Howie, who have enrolled at Taylor University for further studies. No sooner had they witnessed the brutal murder of two German officers at a train station, than they begin to notice strange occurrences in their campus. Their Chemistry professor and his strange mannerisms only raise their curiosity to investigate further. Strange incidents follow like the discovery of coded messages on pieces of paper, a secret tunnel, a gold coin in a barn, the death of two men, an ugly encounter with two escaped prisoners of war, and many more. All these prompts the young sleuths to investigate further while involving the town Sheriff, Neverfine, and his deputy, Snooper. Together, they uncover hidden conspiracies and undercover activities related to the ongoing war that the United States has joined.
Author George S. Haines has written a very engrossing storyline that keeps the reader glued from the beginning. The gripping suspense at the end of each chapter compelled me to read on till the end. I particularly enjoyed the way major characters and secondary characters were intermingled into the storyline and became fully invested in the story’s inner depth. The major themes in the book were conspiracy, ideology, and heroism. Haines does a great job in elevating the role of Sam and Howie, two young college boys in unearthing the unlawful secret plans of the Nazi sympathizers on American soil. They play a vital role in helping the detectives in their investigation despite their young age.
The Professor with Many Faces is coherent and has an even pace which makes it easy to read. My interest in the plot never waned because of the excellent story, and immaculately edited. This book would highly appeal to both young and mature adults who love a mixture of mystery, thrill, and history, all summed up in one alluring plot.