Title: Live or Die: A Stroke of Good Luck
Author: Richard L. Burns
Publisher: Author Reputation Press
ISBN: 978-1649611970
Pages: 160
Genre: Biography / Health and Fitness
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
“There is so much to learn about life. It is a mixture of both good and bad and one has to look at it for a long haul and create a balance”- propounds author Richard L. Burns, a retired television and advertising executive.
A stroke sometimes called a “brain attack” occurs when the blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. Live or Die: A Stroke of Good Luck is an educational and insightful read which details the life of Mr. Burns, before and after he suffered a stroke, his road to recovery, and his knowledge about the disease in a hope to inspire and enlighten others.
Mr. Burns recalls how his life changed after he suffered a stroke and recalls the selflessness of the hospital staff when he was under their care. He is later released from the hospital after rigorous tests and procedures. However, he encounters new challenges such as the lack of medical conveniences and trained staff. He also realizes some of his friends have alienated him from their circles.
Live or Die: A Stroke of Good Luck further spells out eight steps to help in the recovery and renovation of stroke victims, and three steps that will help maintain wellness. The author advises that during the tedious days of recovery, there would be downtimes and black moments, but life is like walking, one foot in front of the other, and slowly but purposefully, one will reach their goal.
The text is divided into well-arranged chapters which have eye-catching short quotes giving readers an idea of what to expect in each chapter. The book additionally expresses the feelings, attitudes, and thinking, essential in continuing life and make a conceivable recovery. The book leaves readers more informed and aware of the symptoms and causes of stroke and how to take precautions against it. As they say, prevention is better than cure!
The writing style is genuine and at times uniquely witty and I could not help chuckling as Mr. Burns narrated some of his experiences. This is a biography as well as a guide to recovery from stroke. It is an excellent educational tool for care facility administrators and all readers keen on living a healthy lifestyle. Live or Die: A Stroke of Good Luck is a timeless handbook which will undoubtedly be used as a reference book for years to come.