Title: An Accidental Family
Author: Cheryl Moran
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1483640198
Pages: 136
Genre: Romance / Contemporary
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the most important things that a person can have in their life is often family. While many may automatically connect family with blood relations, that is not always the case. Family is not always determined by blood, but with the bonds we share with one another. As American writer Richard Bach once said, “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”

In author Cheryl Moran’s An Accidental Family, the author explores the concept of family through two groups of people who find their way to one another after experiencing tragedy. Mason and Mandi Morgan are successfully married business partners who take a trip to check on some of their business holdings, but soon discover turmoil at their last stop. Meanwhile, the Cooke children fight to stay together after the tragic loss of both of their parents. Soon they meet the Morgans, and find a way to change their lives into a new reality.

This is a moving and engaging story. The author picks up a quick pace and dives head first into the narrative, exploring the concept of loss and family from two very different perspectives. The author expertly crafts a narrative which highlights the major differences between the Morgans and the Cookes early in the narrative, and the character growth of both sets of these people allow the book to explore how the bonds and relationships we form with others can create a family not of blood but of love.

This is the perfect read for those that enjoy contemporary stories of love, romance and family; especially family stories which explore the concept of fate and destiny taking shape through the choices we make and the bonds we create with one another. As a fan of this genre in particular, I was immediately drawn into the narrative and loved seeing the evolution of the Morgans with the Cooke children, especially the eldest brother Mitch.

An emotional, entertaining and brilliant contemporary read, author Cheryl Moran’s An Accidental Family is a must-read book. It is detailed and explores the emotional journey of this new family in a fantastic way, making this a fast-paced and quick read. The story progresses smoothly and the author writes in a really relatable and engaging way, making An Accidental Family shine brightly all the way to its emotionally deep and bonded final page.

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