Title: The Chronicles of Marcus-Volume 2: The Book of Life
Author: Martiza Vicenta
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1648033940
Pages: 542
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
The concept of destiny has always been one that is highly contested in the world. Some believe wholeheartedly that destiny is what we make of it, and is dictated by our choices; while others believe that destiny is wholeheartedly predetermined, and we are meant to go along with the journey and see where it takes us. As Henry Miller once said, “Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him.”
In author Martiza Vicenta’s The Chronicles of Marcus-Volume 2: The Book of Life, the author explores this concept of destiny through the eyes of Prince Marcus of Tabores. The narrative is a sequel to the first book in this sci-fi and fantasy series, which sees the protagonist Marcus living life in a magical kingdom alongside his family, including his wife and soon to be child. However, a powerful threat to their magical world presents itself, and it is up to Marcus to find a way of stopping this threat from spreading before the kingdom tears itself apart, but only the “Book of Life” will determine his ultimate fate.
This was a truly magical and mesmerizing read. The author brilliantly captures the raw power and emotional awe of fantasy-driven narratives in this book. While the narrative itself would best be served for readers who are familiar with the first book in this series, the utilization of in-depth character development, along with incredible imagery that captures the fantasy theme beautifully really helped this book to stand out. The balance of life for Marcus as a Prince in this kingdom and serving the subjects of the realm, balanced with the heroic journey he must undertake to save the kingdom, really kept the action and suspense in synch with one another, making this an engaging story.
This is the perfect story for those who enjoy sci-fi and fantasy style storytelling, especially those which capture a fairy-tale style element in the narrative and incorporate different elements of various cultures within the fantasy realm. As a fan of the genre myself, it was easy to be drawn into the story and feel connected to the protagonist, while the theme of destiny really made the story feel mirrored with the genre of the novel, creating both a classic and unique new story within the fantasy realm.
A masterful, beautifully crafted and entertaining read, author Martiza Vicenta’s “The Chronicles of Marcus-Volume 2: The Book of Life is a must-read fantasy novel. World building and character growth alone make this story shine brightly, but add on top of that a fantastic pacing of the narrative and a creative spin on the fantasy genre and readers won’t be able to put this book down.