Title: God’s Child: Memoirs and Philosophy of Life
Author: Terrence Steven Lake
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1954673908
Pages: 142
Genre: Worship & Devotion
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

The differences that make us up as individuals should be celebrated and even bring us together to love each other as our brothers and sisters of the world. But often, it is those differences which cause turmoil amongst each other – rather than bringing us together. It is a sad fact of life and until this issue is rectified, it will be impossible to truly experience global peace. That is what author Terrence Steven Lake demonstrates and explores in God’s Child: Memoirs and Philosophy of Life.

In this book, we focus on the author, Terrence a black young man, who grew up Hamtramck, Michigan in the 1960s. During that time, Hamtramck was a primarily Polish-American town. He discusses the differences between races and why those differences always seem to cause trouble between each other rather than recognizing our differences are actually quite beautiful. Just because a person is different from you does not justify you to treat them poorly nor feel anger towards them for no reason other than the prejudices you have. This is a highly important message which is shown all throughout this book.

Terrence Steven Lake has the ability to cover this topic with a sensitivity that not all writers possess, while perfectly letting his point come across through his exceptional writing. The author wrote this poignant memoir about growing up with friends and family, including those who are from different backgrounds and cultures, and that shows the mark of an incredible writer who knows the importance of touching on sensitive subjects such as this. You can tell that this piece is important to him in his thoughtful way of handling the material.

I also really enjoyed the reminiscent nature in the details of the era he grew up in. All in all, this was a fantastic and entertaining read that I personally feel any reader would enjoy. Particularly because of the importance of the topic and the fact that we all need to learn to respect one another no matter the differences in our lives, our cultures, our backgrounds, and yes, our races. We cannot keep failing to do so or this world will never know peace. What made this story even more intriguing was Terrence’s take on the Universe and where we actually came from.

I applaud Terrence Steven Lake for writing God’s Child: Memoirs and Philosophy of Life and feel every single person should take the time to read it and truly appreciate and understand the message. Trust me, you will not regret doing so.

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