Title: Life as Seen in the Eyes of Tatiana
Author: Monica Brosnan
Publisher: XlibrisUK
ISBN: 978-1984592798
Pages: 54
Genre:  Crafts, Hobbies & Home / Pets & Animals Care
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza


Hollywood Book Reviews

One of life’s great joys for most people is the special bond we share when we find and adopt a special animal in our lives. A pet is more than just a pet, but a beloved family member for whom we share a deep love and understanding. Pets can range from dogs to horses, and even lizards of course, but one of the other great animals to become pets to us is the cat. As Jane Goodall once said, “You cannot share your life with a dog, as I had done in Bournemouth, or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.”

In author Monica Brosnan’s Life as Seen in the Eyes of Tatiana, the author relays a short yet powerful story dedicated to her beloved pet cat, Tatiana. The author relays the life off her pet through Tatiana’s eyes, from her rough kitten-years spent moving from garden to garden with her mother and being bullied by her bigger brother, to finding human parents for whom she could trust and build the confidence to find her place in their home. The book serves as a companion to the life of the author’s late husband Bill, as the two shared their love and affection for Tatiana together.

This is a wildly creative and highly educational read. The author does a great job of balancing the storytelling through her cat Tatiana’s eyes early on in the short read, before switching over to explore her cat’s life through her own eyes, remarking on how to properly care and maintain the health of her beloved feline friend. Although a short read, the author perfectly pairs children’s book style storytelling in the first half of the book, accompanied by fantastic artwork, with a more structured and thoughtful approach to looking at Tatiana’s life and health overall.

This is the perfect read for those that enjoy educational children’s book style storytelling and books which reflect on proper pet care and health care. As a pet owner with my own cats and a pet parent overall, I was drawn into the writer’s narrative and exploring how Tatiana would view her life and situations.  It was a truly fun and unique experience, giving our pets a voice to which to express their stories.

A heartfelt, creative, and engaging short narrative and educational pet-care read, author Monica Brosnan’s Life as Seen in the Eyes of Tatiana is a must-read story. Thoughtful and eloquent in the author’s approach to the narrative, the story perfectly captures pet care and pet health while also highlighting a unique creative storytelling device that examines the mindset and intimate thoughts of a pet as they experience life’s journey.

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