Title: The Art of the Deal: 13 1/2 Inches of Manhood
Author: The Author Mr. De
Publisher: Go To Publish; 1st edition
ISBN:   9781647493486
Pages: 129
Genre: Romance
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

There is something to be said for a great, steamy, romance novel. Often, people find such stories to be cheesy or comical when in fact there is a serious art form to writing an arousing, romantic story that is also well-written. That is why The Art of the Deal: 13 1/2 Inches of Manhood by The Author Mr. De is such a welcome treat for those who enjoy novels such as this. It’s perfect for escapism and also for the release of any sexual tension the audience may be feeling prior to immersing themselves in this story.

This novel was actually constructed to help its readers reach sexual satisfaction purely by enjoying the tale laid out before them. It isn’t often that a romance novelist readily admits that is one of the primary goals in reading their book so the fact that this author proudly mentions that about his own book is refreshing albeit surprising. It’s true, though, that those who are looking to explore their sexuality and, in turn, finds certain things about the characters in this book to be intriguing and exciting should not feel ashamed about any of that. This is why I love that the author encourages that amongst his readers.

The plot of this book centers on four main characters whose sexual lives weave within one another’s which inevitably leads to the ultimate climax — and possible destruction. Furthermore, I appreciated that this romance novel had black characters in the leading roles rather than just have them as supporting or minor characters, which happens far too often in television and books for my liking. Diversity is something to be celebrated in this story which is fantastic in my opinion.

The way the author introduces each of these characters — that are meant to represent aphrodisiacs for his audience — is seamless and as the plot thickens, you will be intrigued about their next moves while simultaneously titillated and excited by their actions. This soldier, doctor and his wife, and her friend all get in over their heads with the sexual escapades they are experiencing with each other, and it makes you wonder if the fire brewing between them will ultimately consume them past the point of no return.

I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to escape from their day-to-day lives and are ready to feel as if they are in this world that The Author Mr. De created in The Art of the Deal: 13 1/2 Inches of Manhood.

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