Title:  Genesis Understood
Author:  Lance Thomas Wynn
ISBN: 978-1649086815
Publisher:  PageTurner Press and Media
Pages:  314
Genre: Theology/Science
Reviewed by:  K. R. Lawrence


Hollywood Book Reviews


Author Lance Thomas Wynn’s book took me to places that my brain had never dared enter before; into the mind and reasonings of God, the devil, and the meanings of our Universe. In the book, we investigate the beginning before the beginning, the great flood, and the tempestuous traps laid by Satan. Wynn repeatedly asks, “why,” asking himself the questions that some readers may never dare to ask on their own. His gives insights into the perspective of an all-knowing, all-powerful God; and answers some of the toughest questions ever posed in theology.

Growing up as a religious person in a religious household, I was always taught curiosity was a good thing, and asking questions was okay. However, as I grew older, and those questions started coming, I found no one was able to answer them. Either unable or unwilling! Wynn’s candor and openness to every topic in the first book of the Bible is refreshing; for myself as a Christian and as a science nerd. Speaking of science, Wynn explains some of the oddities in the Bible (giants, universal floods, etc.) in a way that does not dismiss facts or science.  In fact, Wynn approaches each of these oddities with faith (never doubting), but with investigative intellect all the same.

This creates a very safe atmosphere for the reader to understand and not feel their faith is in peril, or their intellect ignored. Lance treats his audience with dignity, never assuming their inability to comprehend, and that is very much noticeable in his writing.

Another important item to note from this book is the near the end, where the topic of Satan is discussed and re-mantled. This section of the book made me squirm and uncomfortable, yet, once I’d digested the words, and realized how the devil works in each of us; in people we admire, historical figures, and even friends – I was in awe. Wynn unravels the mysteries of Genesis and thwarts the evil designs of Satan, calling each of us to Jesus Christ.

Something real and deep is found at the end, where Wynn reminds his audience that we are always worthy of Christ’s love, and that we can always be “grafted” into the tree. In other words, Jesus Christ has His arms open and extended to every person who chooses to believe in Him and go to Him. However, the enemy, or Satan – uses those around us to make us feel small, unworthy of this love, and choose to walk away from that open embrace.

Lance Thomas Wynn‘s novel, Genesis Understood is a warning for us all to simply repent and believe in Jesus Christ, and not be moved. It’s also a beacon of light, a reminder of where we all came from, and a motivator for us to keep going towards the ultimate goal, which is life in heaven.


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