Title: Friendship City: Hanging by a Thread
Author:  Carl H. Mitchell
Publisher: ‎ Covenant Books
ISBN:  1638854351
Pages:  296
Genre:  Science Fiction
Reviewed by: Newton Mathews

Hollywood Book Reviews

The year is 2058. The many remaining remnants of the murderous World Council are being fought by NYPD detective Nick Garvey, and Lenora Allison, President of the battered and reeling United States. They must deal with the uninvited introduction of a man-made killer plague as well as the destruction of the newly formed Friendship City. President Allison was successful in her fight to eradicate the first plague, only to learn that a second, more lethal plague was on its way. Friendship City, an autonomous union of Brownsville, Texas, and Matamoros, Mexico, whose inhabitants are establishing their own protective Bill of Rights, has been destroyed by Ishmael, the mysterious new leader of the World Council.

President Allison requests that Nick travel from Houston, where his daughter is in a catatonic state, to the White House to assist in the fight. Can the second plague be eradicated? What is causing Friendship City to devolve into chaos? Is it possible to kill Ishmael? Nick tries to track down Ishmael, but Ishmael finds him first. He captures Nick, President Allison, Nick’s family, and everyone else in his path, and forces them to sit in a circle surrounded by rifles.

Author Carl H. Mitchell combines excellent story telling together with fiction to create a masterclass of a book in Friendship City: Hanging by a Thread.  The book is very relevant because there is the mention of a pandemic which relates to the current COVID-19 pandemic which has ravaged the entire globe. Apart from this, the story is well developed as the evets in the book connect well with each other leading to a smooth flow.  The author cleverly uses some terminologies in the story, some of which might seem challenging, as well as some themes might be best suited for mature audiences. As a fan of the sci-fi genre, Friendship City: Hanging by a Thread is an awesome read which kept me engaged from start to finish.

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