Title: The Saudi Oil Gambit
Author: Reginald Nelson
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1647538514
Genre: Fiction, Action, Suspense
Pages: 302
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares
Hollywood Book Reviews
The spy genre has to be one of the most challenging genres to write. Not only are there so many subgenres and side plots to incorporate, but your characters are always going to be compared to legends like James Bond. Though the task is daunting, author Reginald Nelson took a crack at it and may have created our next great franchise.
The story is written in the first person under the author’s pen name, which is a fun way to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. The main character is a dentist hired by a shadow government agency to implant secret recording devices into the fillings of top Saudis to collect information. Reginald is joined by his friends Lance and Ashonte along with their partners in this low-key but potentially dangerous mission. However, as the group spends more time in Saudi Arabia, they find that the Saudis are only one of their many problems. The story ends with a fantastic setup for more books and an infinite expansion of new characters and spin-offs.
I don’t think the author could have hit the nail on the head any squarer with this book. The one heads-up is that there is a lot of sexual content in the book that makes this a story appropriate for mature readers. Apart from that, the story is as solid as you could ask for – it is entertaining, intriguing, and in many ways, believable. One of the most evident strengths of this story is the effortless character development which makes you feel like you personally know each character.
The Saudi Oil Gambit is a fantastic story that feels like the beginning of something greater. This could easily become a long-running book series that translates well to the big or small screen. The idea and the character development are there to turn this into a pop-culture-relevant franchise.
I look forward to reading every forthcoming entry into the I.N.C.I.S.O.R. franchise and any other works this author dreams up.