Title: From a Distance
Author: Vernon Bargainer
ISBN: 978-1-4759-8161-2
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre: Fiction/Romance
Pages: 300
Reviewed by: Suzanne Gattis
Hollywood Book Reviews
Can you really fall for someone that you see from a distance? In author Vernon Bargainer’s romantic novel, From a Distance, you can at least begin to fall for the idea of someone and it can grow into so much more. When a spark happens upon finally meeting, you get what every romantic at heart wants, a true love story.
When Sarah Locks heads to her aunt’s to hide out from an ill-fated love story, she is wounded, sad, and determined that she had already had her one shot of happily-ever-after. The meadow outside her house is where she goes to dance and unwind. Never did she imagine across that meadow a stranger was watching, one which could bring her real, everlasting love. Kevin was her soul mate, one who was willing to wait for her to be ready. He was quick to say “I love you” but never rushed his hand. Never forcing any actions upon her, their story is one of souls who immediately recognize each other – but need a little time.
From a Distance has some twists and turns; our lovers’ relationship is not without challenges. There is a daring escape, a divorce, a bitter ex-husband who had shown his true colors, a suicide attempt, even a coma! The concept of IQ is also an interesting twist which is weaved throughout the story. But as it usually does in all great love stories, with the help of loving family, love conquers all.
I found some of the conversation in the book strangely formal and at times slightly naive; at times I had a hard time imagining the characters speaking that exact way to each other. However, I enjoyed the overall premise of the book to be good. This style of writing keeps the reader guessing while at the same time, discovering more as each insight is revealed. For anyone who wants their heart strings pulled, I would recommend From a Distance.