Title: The Isle of the Dragon: The Last Flight of the Bugs Bunny
Author: Rolf Stibbe
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649612939
Pages: 194
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Genre Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
At one point or another in every person’s life, a hero emerges. Whether that hero is a work of fiction which we as children idolize, or a fireman who blazes into an inferno to rescue a mother, or even a beloved parent who sacrifices everything for our happiness, heroism comes in many forms throughout our world. As Robert Green Ingersoll said, “When the will defies fear, when duty throws the gauntlet down to fate, when honor scorns to compromise with death – that is heroism.”
In author Rolf Stibbe’s book, The Isle of the Dragon: The Last Flight of the Bugs Bunny, the author explores heroism from a group of fighter pilots during WWII who faced the might of the Imperial Japanese forces in the South Pacific. Following the United States Army Air Corps flight crews of that time, the story focuses on those few brave souls who faced certain death as Japan began taking over the region in the wake of Pearl Harbor. The story is a reflection of an interview the author had with a combat veteran who flew the B-25 Mitchell Bomber nicknamed Bugs Bunny.
History is chock full of heroes who gain notoriety through war or great deeds, but what some may not always realize is that there are far more heroes than one could ever understand. However, these stories often become less prolific, and so their stories are not told in full. Historical settings in fiction, especially during WWII, generally focus on the European Theater or Pearl Harbor, but what always fascinates me is the personal and less known stories of heroism which are hidden throughout this massive war. The author captures this theme and atmosphere perfectly in the narrative, bringing a sense of realism and heart to the story. The way the author brought military life and the interactions between the military personnel to reality is incredible to see unfold, and the balance the author found between creative character growth and realistic narrative development is also entertaining and heartfelt.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy fictional historical narratives set during WWII, and which also reflect a very real and engaging event or person in history. As a historical fan myself, I thoroughly enjoyed diving into this narrative and getting to see a new perspective of such a memorable and heartbreaking war that always seems to have untold stories waiting to be tapped into.
A harrowing, heart-pounding, and historically engaging read, author Rolf Stibbe’s The Isle of the Dragon: The Last Flight of the Bugs Bunny is a must-read narrative. The historical tone of the book and the nail-biting intensity of the events unfolding around the cast of characters is spine-chilling to read, and really puts into perspective so much of the history we already knew about that horrific war. If you are a massive history buff and want to see a new perspective on WWII, then don’t forget to grab your own copy of this amazing read today!