Title: Soaring Eagle with Many Coups
Author: James Safreno
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 1952155673
Pages: 614
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
Soaring Eagle with Many Coups ’follows the story of James York, among other characters. I enjoyed reading about James York, his family, history, and how he related to others. The author takes the reader on a trip down memory lane, in the 1800s, where life for the average Native American, and everyone else, was different. The author’s enthusiasm with Native American history and the people is displayed throughout the book. The reader gets to learn about the indigenous tribe, their way of life, what it takes to be a warrior and how roles were allocated among deferent sets of people – among other things.
Reading this book gives one the impression of being in a history class, as author James Safreno does not just write about Native American towns, but also diverse areas throughout the United States. I enjoyed how unambiguous and precise the authors is with his descriptions. His explanations are clear and narration smooth. Reading James Safreno’s work is a pleasant experience as the author is excellent with having readers learn new expressions. The characters in Soaring Eagle with Many Coups are solid, lovable, an exciting, making for a very unique read. Whether a child, an adult, a villain or hero, James Safreno ensures all his characters have something which makes them stand out; both major and minor characters are memorable.
The book starts simply, as the reader is introduced to Johnny, Sarah, and Dan, as they talk about James York, who is Johnny and Sarah’s grandpa, and also an Indian; something that the kids find fascinating. I enjoyed the conversation between the siblings and marveled at their innocence as they talked. Johnny and Sarah became my favorite characters instantly even before I dug deeper into the book. I enjoyed the relationship they had with family and how open they were about things. I appreciate the author for starting the book with their story, and the sweet tone the first chapter had.
As the reader follows the life of James York, one gets to learn of his different personalities and appreciate people like him, as James York certainly had an interesting life. I liked his personality and how expressive he was. I understand why the author made James York’s character special. As you read the story, you get to bond with him more than any other character; his wins, missteps, high moments and general human interaction were distinct. James was a Shoshone Warrior, He followed a different path from his peers and which is one of the things that made him extraordinary.
Readers that fancy historical fiction will enjoy this book. The style of narration, breaking down of the storyline, historical elements, development of characters and themes in the book make the reading experience of this lengthy book very worthwhile. Some of the major themes exhibited in the book include family, history, romance, education, friendship, and loss. Following the plot and main characters, one cannot help but admire how diverse the history of various lives are.