Title: The Legend of The Bent Organ Pipes
Author: George S. Haines
Publisher: Pageturner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1638716396
Pages: 360
Genre: Adventure Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews

In author George S. Haines’ The Legend of The Bent Organ Pipes, a Spanish soldier on the blink of death shares the location of a hidden treasure in New Mexico with a local priest. The priest in turn writes down the information on a piece of paper and keeps it in a prayer book. Thereafter, the church in Spain relocates the entire library in Spain, including the prayer book, to a monastery in Germany. One day, a German Catholic priest comes across the piece of paper having a map leading to a remote town in New Mexico where the gold nuggets and silver coins are hidden. The priest asks a silversmith to duplicate the information on durable metal that is cut into several pieces for fear that someone could steal the medallion. Helmut Schmidt, also known as Red Fox, a wily former German Colonel, and now a fugitive of the law, learns about the treasure. He enlists two escapees from the Allied camp for German prisoners and former Nazi soldiers, Bruno and Udo, to help him find the treasure. The trio realizes that to get to the treasure, they need to find all the five pieces of the medallion to solve the puzzle, a path which takes them through the most unexpected places.

Sheriff Neverfine learns about the plan and involves two sleuths, Sam Hames and Howard Newbald, to nab the evasive Red Fox. Who will be the first to get to the treasure? Where are the missing pieces of the medallion and how far will Red Fox go to get to the treasure? George Haines has answered this and many more questions in a reader’s mind in a creative and stimulating way.

Expertly written and cleverly plotted, The Legend of The Bent Organ Pipes takes readers through a most satisfying adventure. The characters are masterfully drawn and the healthy doses of dialogues fit in the plot. Told from a third-person narrative, the story is further told from multiple perspectives. The twists and turns present in the chapters made this book a fun read. The wrap-up was also well done while also hinting at more to come thus bringing up the possibility of a sequel.

Having read one of Haines’ The Professor With Many Faces, I knew this book too would be a delight to read. Perhaps the most striking aspect of his writing is the family-friendly language he uses in his literary works, thus attracting a larger audience.

The Legend of The Bent Organ Pipes by George S. Haines is fast-paced and has a compelling plot as well. There was no dull moment in the story. This text will resonate well with fans of adventure fiction. Good work Haines!

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