Title: The Daughters of Ares: A Sequel Novel to Polyxena
Author: H. Allenger
Publisher: Diamond Media Press Co.
ISBN: 978-1951302931
Pages: 342
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Alyssa Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

The ways in which we will react to the events that define our life are vast and unknowable. The way we handle things such as betrayal, loss, and responsibility are not just dependent on who we are as people or how connected we are to those events, but those who surround us in life and the people which will be affected by our responses. This is especially true of loss, for when loss comes suddenly and as the result of a betrayal, the pain and anger which can arise from such an event can lead to paths that threaten to lose ourselves in the process.

In author H. Allenger’s The Daughters of Ares: A Sequel Novel to Polyxena, the Amazon second in command and famed warrior Antiope goes on a mission of revenge and power after the events of the first book. Having lost not only her queen and a large portion of the Amazon army, and her beloved Polyxena as well, Antiope goes on a journey seeking revenge against the Greeks and those who betrayed them. In the midst of this falls the next steps for the Amazon warriors, who now need a leader. Forced to fight enemies both within and outside of the Amazon nation, Antiope must face a cacophony of threats in order to maintain control and seek the vengeance she is owed.

The author did an amazing job of finding the perfect harmony between the history and mythology which comes from the Amazons with the action and the character-driven storytelling the author crafted. The politics and treachery that comes with the rise of power and the fight the Amazon’s brought to “mans” world was so perfectly created, and the complicated path Antiope had to go on as a protagonist was so rich with mythology and history, as well as complicated feelings that would have been difficult to navigate for anyone in that day and age, let alone in the role of a leader. The imagery and descriptive nature of the narrative really brought a cinematic quality to the action and more dramatic moments of the story, really drawing the reader in.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical and mythological stories, especially historical fiction with a mythological twist, and stories that feature strong female protagonists and elements of LGTBQ romances as well. One thing to note for readers is that while the author did a great job of giving an overview of the first book in this series, the reader will be better suited to read this book after reading the first book, as the more descriptive elements of cities, people, and events from book one will only be found in that book.

Action-fueled, dramatic, and entertaining to read, author H. Allenger’s The Daughters of Ares: A Sequel Novel to Polyxena is a must-read book. The tension that the author creates and the air of history and mythology that defines the atmosphere of this narrative are so intriguing, and the characters’ actions and thought-processes throughout the narrative really reflect the culture and era of history that this setting provides. With a shocking final chapter and an engaging story, readers will not want to miss out on this incredible read.

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