Title: The Prophet and the Warrior: A Fictional History of Moses and Joshua
Author: Richard H. Grabmeier
Publisher: Dorrance Pub Co.
ISBN: 978-1645303909
Pages: 408
Genre: Religious Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers
Hollywood Book Reviews
To learn from our past and understand where we come from is to study our history and strive not to repeat it. To gain a firmer grasp of the history of our families, our ancestors, our nation, or even of the foundations of one’s faith, we must be willing to dive into the past and even try to use what evidence exists to recreate it in one form or another. Yet finding the means of shedding the glamour or legend, history sometimes has can be a challenge. As Peter L. Berger once said, “The past is malleable and flexible, changing as our recollection interprets and re-explains what has happened.”
In author Richard H. Grabmeier’s The Prophet and the Warrior: A Fictional History of Moses and Joshua, the author explores the history and humanity behind some of the Bible’s and history’s greatest figures. Using the King James Bible for context, the novel’s fictional concept comes from exploring the men behind the legends as evidenced by the actions depicted within biblical writings. From Moses’s violent escape from Egypt and meeting with the Burning Bush, to the trouble connecting with his wife and children after being given his new mission to free his people from the Egyptians, the author gives depth and historical backstory to the men these legends were based off of.
This is such a fascinating piece of historical fiction. The author did a fantastic job of finding some harmony within the storytelling between the more biblical nature of Moses and Joshua’s relationship to the Old Testament version of God as found within the King James Bible and the historical aspect of the tribes and battle fought amongst them at the time. The visualization of this piece of history and the action mixed with complex story and character growth really made the lengthy read feel fresh and come alive for the reader.
The narrative is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction, in particular Biblical Historical Fiction that creates a voice and history for the legendary figures of the Bible. As a fan of history and culture, I found the author’s rich use of history and the original take on the humanity these figures held outside of their legends was incredible to read.
A memorable, entertaining, and gripping read, author Richard H. Grabmeier’s The Prophet and the Warrior: A Fictional History of Moses and Joshua is a must-read novel. The perfect balance of faith-based cultural development and historical fiction, the narrative was engaging and kept readers invested to see how the fictional aspects of the narratives would catch up and make the history of this era come to pass.