Title:  The Nosferatu Conspiracy: Book Two, The Sommelier
Author:  Brian James Gage
Publisher:  KDK 12
Pages: 654
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by:  Aaron Washington

Hollywood Book Reviews

Author Brian James Gage captures the reader’s attention just by how he narrates the story. He is vivid, graphic when he needs to, and evocative. The Nosferatu Conspiracy: Book Two, The Sommelier was fascinating and enthralling as the author told a tale that kept on being stimulating. Reading the first chapter captivated me. The introduction of the beautifully laid out story, charming characters and narration were exceptional. Brian James Gage is a creative genius and his work is splendid. He is brilliant in his art and will attract more readers to follow books in this genre.

The thrill one gets from reading this book is out of this world. The Nosferatu Conspiracy: Book Two, The Sommelier is full of drama, unexpected twists and turns and action that will engross you. Brian James Gage applied almost every literary and stylistic device known in the book to make the story juicer. I applaud the author for the symbolism, smiles, metaphor, humor and inimitable sayings that were included in the narration. The jokes are elite and the characters in the book fun to follow. For a moment, the reader is taken to a new universe where only they and the characters exist. The author understands how to make the reader get into a form of utopia and ecstasy when following the exhilarating events.

In The Nosferatu Conspiracy: Book Two, The Sommelier, we follow the story set during the Battle of Arras in the 20th century. As a reader you get to travel back in time, and virtually experience some of the things that we only read in books. The gothic theme in the book and horror together with the drama will raise your hair as you read. The author also incorporated happy themes like love and romance, friendship, family and loyalty. The stories in the book will make you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride as the blend of themes, tonal variation felt through the text, and incorporation of both agonizing and merry moods will get you every time.

The Nosferatu Conspiracy: Book Two, The Sommelier would make a good movie as the author’s captivating imagination and visual descriptions are outstanding. One can picture every happening in the book. The characters, both major and minor, are flawlessly described, in that one can tell their physical and non-physical traits just by reading the author’s words. Every character was given a fitting role. Each character has their attributes that the reader will love, heroes, villains and fence sitters were all significantly illustrated. Some of the characters that I enjoyed includes such interesting names such as Bella, Nicholas, Vondling, Kaiser Wilheim, Alexander, Rasputin, Alexei, Anna Felix, and Denis among many others. The tales in the book were executed perfectly and the characters illustrated in a magnificent manner.

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