Title: The DNR Trilogy: Volume 3: Clinical Justice
Author: Don W. Hill, M.D.
Publisher: Bookwhip Company
ISBN: 978-1953537201
Pages: 492
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
One of the hardest things in life to ever have to admit is that we have fallen off the path of life which we had intended for ourselves. For some, that fall is due to addiction. For others, it’s an external force beyond their understanding. Yet for some, a combination of exterior forces and mental strain can violently throw them off of the path, and come face-to-face with the darkness of the world. Yet it isn’t until they come face-to-face with the darkness within themselves that they can pull themselves back from the brink of oblivion.
In author Don W. Hill M.D.’s The DNR Trilogy: Volume 3: Clinical Justice, the author explores the final chapter of the story of J.D. Brewster. Struggling with dark and violent thoughts throughout his life and through his medical student career, the aspiring doctor found himself the victim of an attempted murder after taking the law into his own hands. Left with physical scars that would never heal, as well as some mental scars, Brewster begins to traverse a path of vengeance, recruiting others to his cause and enacts his revenge using others who have been victims of violence themselves. Yet will this final plunge into darkness be the turning point that causes Brewster to see the darkness that has been brewing within himself?
The final chapter in this violence-fueled vigilantism mystery thriller series does not disappoint fans. The blend of dark humor and brutality the vigilante anti-hero has become known for immediately draws the reader in, while the exploration of darker and more important themes like how vigilantism impacts racial violence. The character also experiences some dark moments in his personal life when his girlfriend dies as a result of his desire for her obesity, pushing away colleagues and friends alike with his mistreatment of the woman. The examination of what happens psychologically to a person so steeped in violence when they are confronted with the bloody actions of their work that cannot be taken back was fascinating to see brought to life, and the imagery the author deploys in this read matches the brutality and violence of the story overall.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy mysteries and thrillers, especially those that include a depth of medical terminology and knowledge which make the character’s career and history feel authentic; as well as those who enjoy psychological thrillers with an abundance of violent encounters and vigilantism. As a fan of thrillers, it’s as fascinating to see the narrative’s mystery play out and conclude in a natural way.
Gripping, heart-pounding, and engaging overall, author Don W. Hill M.D.’s The DNR Trilogy: Volume 3: Clinical Justice is a must-read thriller. The action is almost non-stop and the balance found with the medical aspect of the characters and the personal demons the anti-hero must face throughout the novel is interesting to watch unfold. It is the study of a man so steeped in his own darkness and violence when confronted with his actions which really makes this story stand out.