Title: A Dancer in Depth: Paragraphs from a Theatre Life
Author: Stanley Howard Mazin
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1638719588
Pages: 262
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
William Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” We are each the hero or protagonist of our life’s story, and one never knows what kind of movie our life will turn out to be. For some, life becomes a grand romantic comedy, the humor and wit of growing up becoming the adventure to find that unexpected love you never knew was there. For others, life becomes a thriller, twists and turns that take heart-pumping hits as the story plays out. That is why memoirs have become so beloved in recent years, as the stories told within them reverberate the drama and theatricality that life can sometimes throw our way.
In author Stanley Howard Mazin’s A Dancer in Depth: Paragraphs from a Theatre Life, the author tells the story of his life as an actor and dancer throughout his life. Told out of chronological order, the book tells the personal and memorable stories of the author’s life, from first love and sexual experiences that speak to the emotional journey of discovering one’s sexual identity, to the early childhood experiences which described his family life, the pursuit of his dreams, and the jobs and roles that would take him into the fast-moving world of theatre, television, and entertainment as a whole.
The author did such a fantastic job of crafting a memoir that felt more like an honest and fun conversation between the author and the reader rather than a strictly fact-telling narrative. The writing style the author utilized perfectly captured this tone, as the lack of chronological order in the book allowed the reader to feel like an honest conversation was happening before them. Between the descriptive imagery the author utilized to tell his story and the emotions he poured into these experiences, the story felt alive and well maintained. On a personal note, as a massive fan of the Carol Burnett show who grew up watching the program, it was so marvelous to get some intimate, behind the scenes stories about the cast and crew, and seeing the passion and sincerity in which they all came together to bring these shows to life. This was amazing to read.
This is the perfect book for those who enjoy biographies and memoirs, especially for those who enjoy memoirs which delve into the history, culture, and personal moments experienced by those who have worked intimately in the entertainment industry. As someone who is fascinated with the various eras of Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and the careers of dancers as well, I found the author’s book both engrossing and captivating.
Honest, entertaining, and memorable, author Stanley Howard Mazin’s A Dancer in Depth is a must-read memoir! The truly fantastic writing style and depth in which the author spoke to the reader was what drew me into the author’s story, and the balance of Hollywood behind-the-scenes style storytelling with personal and emotional experiences made this a truly one-of-a-kind read.