Title:  The Hidden Life of Mary: From Conception to Coronation
Author:  Arthur X. Deegan
Publisher:  PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN:  978-1638715924
Genre:  Religion
Pages:  132
Reviewed by:  Ella Vincent


Hollywood Book Reviews 

The Hidden Life of Mary is a fascination look at the life of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. Arthur X. Deegan has written a book that will educate and inspire readers.

The Hidden Life of Mary looks comprehensively at the life of Mary. The book starts with Mary’s life in Israel and the momentous virgin birth of Jesus. The book not only marks the miracle of that birth, but shows her grace as an unwed teenage mother. Deegan writes about God used Mary as a vessel to bring Jesus into the world. He also writes about how she had to adjust to being in the shadow of Jesus as his mother and how she had to adjust her life to serve Jesus.

Deegan writes eloquently about how Mary was an extraordinary woman who had to live humbly as she was the mother of the Son of God. From His birth in a manger in Bethlehem to the crucifixion and resurrection, Mary was a concerned and loving mother to Jesus through all of those monumental events. He also seamlessly combines historical facts about Mary with his personal prayers and observations.

“In my love for you and my desire for all to honor you, I am not disappointed by the little written about you during the time of the life of your Son. This was the time for Him to appear front and center, and for you to remain in your chosen place of comfort, very much off stage,” wrote Deegan.

He also writes about Mary had to confront everyday issues, just as when she was a teenage mother when she carrying Jesus and had to depend on her faith to overcome fear and doubt. Deegan also writes eloquently about how she had to endure challenges when she immigrated to Egypt with her family. The Hidden Life ofMary makes her life extraordinary and relatable at the same time.

The Hidden Life of Mary would be best for readers who want to learn more about Mary’s life and how she adjusted to being Jesus’ mother. The book would also be best for readers who wants the expertise of a theologian like Deegan to explain the key events of the Bible in an accessible book. The text could also be discussed in church book clubs. The Hidden Life of Mary is a thoughtful and insightful book which will inspire and enlighten readers who want to deeply examine their faith.

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