Title: Naughty Nata
Author: Donna Deal
Publisher: Mainspring Books
ISBN: 978-1641336840
Pages: 52
Genre: Action & Adventure Erotica
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers


Hollywood Book Reviews 


Of the many life lessons we learn at an early age, learning to always speak the truth is often the first and most important rule we are given. For in telling the truth, honesty and open communication help build and improve a relationship, whereas a lie can take hold like a sickness, growing and spiraling so far out of control that lives are changed forever. As Bo Bennett once said, “For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.”

 In author Donna Deal’s Naughty Nata, the author delves into the power of lies and secrets and how it can impact others. Within this short story, the author follows a young woman and her friends, who become obsessed with why their husbands and significant others are so drawn to going to strip clubs on their golf trips. In an effort to better understand them, the women go down to Myrtle Beach, SC, and attend the same strip club in an effort to see why their husbands are so drawn to these exotic dancers. What they find that night changes their lives forever.

 This is quite a powerful and impactful short story. The characters were well developed and their driving force and passions were greatly detailed in such a short span of time. One thing which I should note is that the final chapters of this book to dip more into the erotic thriller genre and as such explore some themes involving sex slavery, which could be triggering for some readers, so thus reader discretion is advised. However, the exploration of how a simple lie could lead to such a downward spiral of events was so perfectly written, and the morphing into the thriller narrative, as well as the haunting ending, will keep readers on the edge of their seat, shocked and terrified by how close to reality this plot hits home to what can quickly transpire for so many women.

 The author crafted a truly unique and creative narrative which speaks to those who enjoy erotic action and adventure stories with a hint of erotic thriller elements. It also is perfect for those who enjoy short stories and quick reads. I found the story to be perfectly developed and engaging in such a short span of time, and the narrative engaging as a whole.

 Haunting, gripping, and shocking, author Donna Deal’s Naughty Nata is a must-read erotic thriller short story. The captivating narrative hooks readers early on, and the terrifying twists and turns the narrative takes in the final chapters of the book will not only have readers surprised, but also eager to see the next entry into this haunting series of stories.

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