Title: I Am Not The Moon Lake Camp Killer
Author: Tambi Harwood
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1649614469
Pages: 290
Genre: Thriller
Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey
Hollywood Book Reviews
Liam is a 17-year-old boy who has mysteriously developed powers after he and his friends discovered a meteor at their summer camp, Moon Lake Camp. Suddenly, Liam is wrongly accused of being the killer of twelve of his fellow campers. Now he must figure out how to not only clear his name, help protect his friends, but also help find the real murderer, an alien who can not only shape-shift, but also steal other people’s “quantic” powers. On top of everything else, his future self comes back to kill him! How will Liam be able to cope with everything going wrong in his life.
I Am Not The Moon Lake Camp Killer is a fun and exciting thriller about a young boy and his friends. There are several time-shifts to deal with through out the novel, as well as different points of view. One of the more confusing aspects is that Liam is referred to as both Liam and Will; with Will being the older version of Liam. It does help distinguish between young and old characters. The novel is a quick and leisurely read. It is evenly paced even and the characters are fun to read about and feel relatable. Readers can see a good relationship between Liam and his friends and his desire to do right by them.
This is a fun story to read as it addresses the theory of time paradox; what would happen if someone goes back in time to kill either themselves, or someone else? How drastic will the changes be and will it make the world better or worse? It’s fun and interesting to see how that idea is approached in this novel in a way that is not full of difficult jargon. Liam having powers, the real killer plus the time travel aspect, may seem like there is too much happening all at once, but Tambi Harwood makes it work in an engaging and thrilling tale.
I Am Not The Moon Lake Camp Killer is an action-packed novel which will keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to see how will happen to Liam next. Young thriller lovers, as well as those who enjoy a smidge of science fiction would surely enjoy this novel.