Title: Signals From Saipan
Author:Reginald Nelson
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
Genre:Mystery, Thriller, Suspense
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
One of the world’s greatest and most regrettable pastimes is war. Every civilization and major human advancement has come either on the heels of or in the wake of some major conflict, both on a national scale and on a global scale. From the ancient battles between Athens and Sparta to the American Civil War and of course WWII, there is an entire planetary history of human suffering as a direct result of this brutality and bloodshed. So long as there are those who would make profit or benefit from this conflict, the need to have protectors willing to sacrifice it all to protect the many will always exist. As George Washington once said, “If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.”
In author Reginald Nelson’s Signals From Saipan, the author continues to explore the actions of Reginald and the group known as I.N.C.I.S.O.R. The narrative follows a globe-spanning mission to take down gangs in the streets of the United States, kidnappers in Italy, and a convoy of Middle East terrorists, as Reginald discovers a means of making C-4 unstable. Hopes of destabilizing the terrorist market of this powerful weapon, the team comes together on the island of Saigon, where a Russian-backed mission will push the I.N.C.I.S.O.R. team to its limits.
The author did a fantastic job of crafting a truly captivating narrative. Although the book s lengthy in general, the beauty of this story was that the author was able to naturally fit so many different aspects and missions into the narrative that the action and events were very fast-paced, and never gives readers a chance to slow down as the action continues to ramp up. The wit and humor between the protagonist and the main cast of characters, including his longtime ally Ash and his wife and partner Becky, was a great way to break up the action scenes in this narrative, as was the shocking death that began the book’s first act and the bouts of historical narrative sprinkled throughout the story.
This is the perfect novel for those who enjoy action and adventure stories, especially those that involve globe-spanning military action, mysteries, and suspense-filled thrillers. The twists and turns the various members of the team take to find themselves back together again will keep readers invested, and the climactic final mission of the narrative will have readers hanging off the author’s every word as the mystery slowly unravels and the depth of the threat the team faces takes hold.
Harrowing, action-packed, and entertaining, author Reginald Nelson’s Signals From Saipan is a must-read novel of 2022 for those who enjoy military action and suspense thrillers! The gripping way the author is able to use imagery and tension-filled tone to highlight the dangers and action of the missions the team faces in this novel, as well as the personable and witty way the characters come to life on the page, make this story a true stand out.