Title: Sex and Chocolate: The Science of Sexual Engineering
Author: Cfayla Johnson
Publisher: GoToPublishing, LLC
ISBN: 9781647496227
Pages: 182
Genre: Women’s Sex Health
Reviewed by: Rae Capri
Hollywood Book Reviews
Overall, health is extremely important if you want to get the most quality out of life, and to combine that with a healthy sex life is a bonus. The intimacy and closeness experienced with another person is an unmatched feeling, leaving you wanting to explore further. Our capabilities are more than we can imagine because life is full of possibilities. Incorporating health and sexual explorations only enhance while broadening one’s horizons.
In Sex and Chocolate: The Science of Sexual Engineering, author Cfayla Johnson provides more than just words of encouragement and steps to achieve great health, but images as proof of her journey. What better way to showcase that what you believe in is a working solution than for you to be your first client. This author knows a thing or two about health, especially when involving what we eat and our attitudes towards food. The shared recipes on what people should eat are advised to follow if they want a sleek and slender physique. Imagining your body with minimal body fat makes her solutions a better alternative to try. Certain foods are listed with details on how they can be beneficial to one’s health with descriptions on when to prepare, consume, and what they will do. Think of it as a wellness program that would encourage you to change your lifestyle choices for the better. It is defining forms of activities that you’re able to incorporate into your daily life, all while still having a meaningful life to enjoy. An example mentioned about other wellness programs that are more restrictive is not the same as the Sex and Chocolate program. It’s the understanding that your body deserves all natural, all organic, and real products, nothing chemically modified, or genetically modified substances. By learning more about this new health journey, you will generate confidence to enjoy foods at restaurants, inform your waitstaff about your special diet and restrictions, and allow them the opportunity to accommodate your specific needs. So, there’s no reason to feel secluded when out and about because your food requests will be fulfilled. You get to enjoy some of the amazing photos of dishes and desserts provided within the book by the author. She wants her readers to grasp a better understanding that you won’t be missing out on anything, simply enhancing your eating for overall better health. Adding light yoga, stretching, and meditation during the adjustment of lifestyle changes are also great ways toward healing.
The goal of following through with this Sex and Chocolate program is eating “ultralight,” which consists of protein, low carbohydrates, and absolutely no sugar. The sugar that is mentioned and permitted to enjoy are natural sugars that can be found in fruits and sometimes vegetables. Not only that, you have to practice intermitted fasting, meaning you have a small window of consumption and the remainder of that day is spent doing light activities from the energy boost foods and components like raw apple cider vinegar. Pairing wine with light meals are also allowed, as this program still incorporates some of your favorite foods or drinks, but in healthier alternatives. The sex part becomes part of the journey because when you’re eating healthy, taking better care of your mental and spiritual health, the thrill of having a great sex life is also a bonus. It does raise the question of, if our current behaviors and attitudes towards food and our health contributes to subpar intimacy experiences? Improve your energy frequency by following along to Cfayla’s wellness program to aid individuals in having the very best in all areas of their life. Not only an overall great life experiences, but longevity is sought out more as we age.
The power of research and experimentation to uncover what works for the body, mind, and soul, and then share this knowledge with others is like stumbling upon a gold mine. The author is doing her best to look out for her readers and hopes they will pass on their new found knowledge of enlightenment to others. With this book, that consist of great value, as a society and world population, we can all improve our quality of life, drastically. Food can make or break us, including the certain ingredients that cause more harm than good, should be monitored more often. Keeping a close eye on what we eat, drink, and do, could add more years of health to our lives.
I enjoyed learning mostly about the best way to live as an intermitted faster, how to eat natural, real, and organic foods, and focus more on the richness of proteins. The concept is to remove sugar from your eating and replace it with nature’s sugar. Valuable information jam-packed into this short read. I highly recommend everyone of age who is looking for the best advice to change their health habits and gain the opportunity to life a fulfilling life of good foods, healthy mind and spirit, as well as a great sex life.