Title: The Theory of Evolution is a Joke
Author: Danny Erhardt
Publisher: Green Sage Agency
ISBN: 9781952982262
Pages: 318
Genre: Religious / Science
Reviewed By: Susan Brown
Hollywood Book Reviews
Creationism and Evolution. The origin of life on earth, embodied in these two theories, has been debated for decades, since Charles Darwin first formulated the theory of evolution in his book On the Origin of Species. The author disproves, with enthusiastic vigor, a good deal of humor and a command of scripture, “the asinine and nearly insane deceit that is Satan’s genesis, the Theory of Evolution.”
The book, a chapter in the author’s larger publication All the Secrets of the Universe (All the Ones worth Knowing): A Graduate Course on the Truth, is so replete with important scriptural insights and scrutiny and the debunking of Darwin’s theory that he opted to release it as a stand-alone book.
Mr. Erhardt has both feet firmly planted in the Christian ideology that God created the Universe and all that is in it … including, of course, what’s found here on Earth. There is no need to question our existence purports the author, since the Bible explains all we need to know about our earliest beginnings. In fact, he states about the theory of evolution, “It is a fairy tale masquerading as science.” And all of the scientific theories and explanations that are used to underscore the belief in evolution, embraced and promulgated by liberal politicians, educators, scientists and non-believers, are nothing more than falsehoods, based on a misguided thought process — one not founded in faith and the existence of the Creator.
Each chapter is thematic, focusing on specific subjects including such topics and ideology as recapitulation, the Law of Biogenesis, the Big Bang theory, as well as analyses of theistic evolution, the misinterpretation by scientists of the fossil record, and just where Darwin went wrong in the Galapagos. There are numerous references throughout, researched and identified by the author from a diversity of sources, supporting his point of view. Additionally, Mr. Erhardt is well-versed in scripture, citing often throughout the book from sacred Christian writings found in the Bible. An appendix at the end provides a pathway for readers to further their understanding of statements made by the author. And finally, the author includes an addendum, portions of his book, All the Secrets of the Universe.
The Theory of Evolution is a Joke will challenge your thinking. Mr. Erhardt’s provocative perspective takes issue with more than 150 years of scientific discourse on the theory of evolution, and he does so by inspiring readers to question deeply engrained teachings that elevate science over scripture.