Title: Heart Expressions: A Book on Poetry
Author: Alysha Potente
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
ISBN: 978-0228843887
Pages: 190
Genre: Arts & Photography / Poetry
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
When we look to the need for communication in our lives, there are many different avenues of utilizing communication. From the classic path of speaking and having open discussions in person with another individual, to phones and video conferences allowing us to communicate in real time with someone, to recording our voices and sharing them with a wider audience, communication is an active and present path that many must navigate in life. However, in terms of creative expression, one of the oldest forms of communication comes from the written word, in particular poetry.
In author Alysha Potente’s Heart Expressions: A Book on Poetry, the author shares an extensive collection of 80 poems that highlight the ways in which we use poetry to convey what both our hearts and minds want in a truly pure and artistic way. The author also takes the time to analytically and academically showcase the history, culture, and styles of poetry that have existed in the world, and uses the book to educate others on how to properly utilize the art of poetry for a new means of communication overall.
The author did an incredible job of conveying the raw emotions and visualization that poetry readers are always searching for. The powerful themes and messages the author brought to life in these poems, from love and beauty to dreams and mental health, all felt fully realized and beautifully brought to life through the author’s work. The combination of these poems with the imagery the author utilized to represent each poem helped elevate the reader’s experience and emotional connection to the poems. Yet it was the author’s use of educational material in the last three chapters in the book that dove into the history and styles that make up the world of poetry that made this story flow so smoothly. The value and knowledge readers will gain from these chapters allowed for a more comprehensive and motivating experience overall.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy poetry, in particular those who appreciate a balance of both actual poems and the study and education of how poems come together and what motivates people to write in this style. As someone who has always appreciated and loved poems, this was such a well-rounded reading experience that allowed for a unique fusion of emotional reading and thoughtful consideration for poem structure and history.
Beautifully-written, engaging, and thought-provoking, author Alysha Potente’s Heart Expressions: A Book on Poetry is a must-read blend of educational reading and collection of poems. The heart and passion that is poured into the words and atmosphere these poems drum up does an incredible job of highlighting the author’s experiences in life, and the ways the author was able to speak not only to the creative and emotional side of the reader’s mind, but the clear-cut and analytical side of their minds was inspiring to read about in this book.