Title: The Royal Order of the Last Coin (The Coin)
Author: Joyce Crawford
Publisher: Joyce Crawford
ISBN: 978-1733897792
Pages: 216
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

Throughout history, the line between faith and service to one’s country or homeland has been very thin. Whether it was the ancient Greeks and their service to the gods of Olympus or the clash of faiths when the Romans invaded ancient Britannia and the many Germanic tribes of Europe, faith has always had a guiding hand in the battles, wars, and conflicts that have defined human history. Yet for many, the moral quandary of one’s faith with their service to those in power and the loyalty they require for their country has always been difficult to keep separate.

In author Joyce Crawford’s The Royal Order of the Last Coin, book one in The Coin series, the author explores a unique period of history through a blend of fictional storytelling, family genealogy, and oral history. The story follows the de Burton family, as Walter de Burton is knighted in the aftermath of William Wallace’s execution after his rebellion to try and free Scotland of English rule fails. Reeling from the carnage and moral dilemma he faces in serving his King and God at the same time, Walter watches as his son Milton serves as a squire to the same king, and as they ride together in formation on a new campaign, the father must teach his son the laws regarding reading ancient holy scriptures, which is against the law for all except the clergy.

The author does an incredible job of crafting a memorable, vivid, and captivating story of faith, loyalty, and morality. The imagery the author uses in her writing was surreal, bringing powerful scenes to life which captured the juxtaposition of man’s savage delight in the macabre such as William Wallace’s execution with the more personal and relatable moments of understanding and trust between a father and his son, and their shared faith in God and the good that can exist in all people’s hearts. The personal connection the author felt to the characters in this story was quite evident in the emotional storytelling and strong character arcs this family went through, going through three generations of the de Burton family while also balancing the narrative out with meticulous historical accuracy.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction, in particular the Christian historical fiction genre that blends history with faith in Christianity, and how history has been impacted by this faith. As a fan of history, it was remarkable to see how one family could take on such a unique perspective and challenge the status quo of blind loyalty to the crown versus one’s own moral stances and the association with Christianity which this brings during a time of great bloodshed and violence in the country of Britain.

Memorable, thoughtful, and engaging, author Joyce Crawford’s The Royal Order of the Last Coin is the perfect beginning to a brand new Christian historical fiction series. The world-building and volume of history the author explores in this novel were both profound and brilliantly written. The emotional connection to the characters and the imagery of the author’s writing made this feel like an almost cinematic reading experience like no other.

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